Director’s Message’s

Dear Prospective Students,
Physical Education aims to provide learning experiences to every age group that enable them to develop the knowledge, motivation and competence to live a physically and mentally alert life. Our aim is to develop wholesome personality of the students. After completing their courses, from our college, students are able to choose from a variety of career options in sports, academics, health clubs, and in the areas of sports marketing. Also, there are opportunities as a commentator, sports trainer, school/college teacher, in armed forces and many more.
Here, at our college, we have ample of scope and tremendous opportunities to develop a good human being, a good leader as well as a creative professional because the purpose is not to complete the decided curriculum only but to guide each and every aspect of students’ grooming in a professional/practical manner.
We believe that if they rectify their mistakes here only by practicing the things repeatedly they will inculcate a habit to ensure quality in whatever they do in their professional and in personal life. Also, by this rigorous hands-on experience their confidence level automatically boosts up and then they are ready to take up a great role of building a Healthy India a Healthy World.
Physical Education aims to provide learning experiences to every age group that enable them to develop the knowledge, motivation and competence to live a physically and mentally alert life. Our aim is to develop wholesome personality of the students. After completing their courses, from our college, students are able to choose from a variety of career options in sports, academics, health clubs, and in the areas of sports marketing. Also, there are opportunities as a commentator, sports trainer, school/college teacher, in armed forces and many more.
Here, at our college, we have ample of scope and tremendous opportunities to develop a good human being, a good leader as well as a creative professional because the purpose is not to complete the decided curriculum only but to guide each and every aspect of students’ grooming in a professional/practical manner.
We believe that if they rectify their mistakes here only by practicing the things repeatedly they will inculcate a habit to ensure quality in whatever they do in their professional and in personal life. Also, by this rigorous hands-on experience their confidence level automatically boosts up and then they are ready to take up a great role of building a Healthy India a Healthy World.
We welcome you to the Khalsa college of physical education, Amritsar, and wish you the best in a great learning atmosphere here for a healthy and rewarding life.
Dr. Kanwaljit Singh,